The initiative will also provide easier access to Learning Factories’ facilities and related education activities integrating with Skills.move, the EIT Manufacturing digital learning platform.ĮIT Manufacturing will fund the Learning Factories participating in the initiative. T hereby increasing the outreach and access to the Learning Factories training offer, as well as i ncrementing the availab ility of equipment suitable for testing and piloting. The Networks Development ini tiative has the purpose of crea ti ng an EIT Manufacturing Marketplace that offer s all the Learning Factories ’ educa ti on programmes and ac tiviti es.

The Learning Factories Network Development is a strategic ac ti vity to increase the visibility and uptake of EIT Manufacturing ’s unique educa ti on approach based on the co-crea ti on and network collabora ti on among manufacturing companies, Research Technology Organisati ons ( RTOs ) and u niversities. The initiative will establish an international online promotion and commercial channel for the Learning Factories, with the aim of generating impact and revenues by leveraging both the physical assets within the Learning Factories and the digital learning content developed within EIT Manufacturing funded activities. Its participants can choose between different levels of involvement and integration, as detailed in the following sections. With the Learning Factories Networks Development initiative, we aim to create an EIT Manufacturing Marketplace for the offer of all the Learning Factories’ education programmes. In 2021, the Learning Factories Networks were encouraged to use the framework created in 2020 to start structuring and delivering real training experiences.

Together with the community of EIT Manufacturing Members, during 2020 several Learning Factory Networks were established, in order to create a shared framework, model and processes, with the overall aim to build an international ecosystem able to foster research and technology transfer between academia and industry. Learning Factories represent a realistic manufacturing environment suitable for education, training, and research. They are a physical learning environment containing educational instruments and equipment, effectively creating the working conditions of a real industrial site for didactic and training purposes.