Pixen by derpixon
Pixen by derpixon

The video could also have been made silent and the audio played back on its own with a different length than the video, it would have moved the whole thing more into "flash loop" territory instead of staying in "repeating video" territory. Even if the snow probably makes it impossible for it to loop seamless (plus that flash usually delays timeline repeat an extra frame while reloading the video into memory) the fade out was not needed. It even fades to black before repeating, an extra slap in the face to those of us who appreciate seamlessness. The real problem is that it's a video in the first place instead of vectors. Pixen is surely loving this summer heat While she is on her break, Im still here catching up with soooo many school thingies >.< Stay tuned for more :3. View the flash in 1280x720 and you'll see that it looks fine. The issue is that it is placed in the flash container without smoothing being enabled on the embed, which makes it scale poorly. derpixon furry tera teras pixen funtime 10 min furry 67345 views 4 years ago pixen derpixon character sheet hentai foundry 4 min Pixen 1152429 views 4. > Anon 67670 The video isn't poorly recorded or encoded and it doesn't have too little bitrate either. > Anon 67666 ># ># ># maybe it's a poorly encoded dogshit of your mom > Anon 67647 ># ># Maybe it's even a poorly converted flash file of a poorly encoded video of a glorious swf.

pixen by derpixon

> Anon 67633 ># It's actually a poorly recorded Flash File of a. pixen derpixon hentai animated newgrounds its foundry. > Anon 67612 Looks like a poorly encoded video recording of a flash file. The hacksaw part was his 3rd guess :D But I getcha, it is quite a challenge for me too to make a story thats relies heavily on non-verbal stuff. 13 min Pixen Pin 428545 views 4 years ago derpixon futa flannery hilda ditto thingies futapo. > Anon 67606 christmas is just around the corner Pixen Wishes Happy Holidays.swf (17.21 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). I like how they matched the overwatch characters. Whoever did this has some serious Talent. > /fap/ > Thread 14702 Age: 78.88d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 6 Replies: 5 Files: 1+3 Those are amazing drawings and this is a very epic crossover.

Pixen by derpixon