You can also find a range of materials for teaching using builder view.
There are a number of tutorials on how to get started making experiments in builder on the PsychoPy Youtube channel as well as several written tutorials and Experiment Recipes. Remember that PsychoJS is younger than PsychoPy ® - so remember to check the status of online options before making an experiment you plan to run online! The easiest way to host a study online from PsychoPy ® is through the Pavlovia ® platform, and PsychoPy ® builder has inbuilt integration to interact with this platform. The language provides constructs intended to enable. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java. Then open the 'Anaconda Prompt' and then type as follows to run your file python filename. Then save the text file as filename.py Write your code in the file and save the file. PsychoPy ® builder view is writing you a python script “under the hood” of your experiment, but if you want to run an experiment online it can also compile a javascript version of your task using PsychoPy’s sister library PsychoJS. Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. I navigated to that folder in the Anaconda prompt and when I ran the provided code conda env create -n psychopy -f psychopy-env.yml, everything seemed to run correctly. Just get to the home of jupyter notebook and select 'New' then select 'Text file'. The module named serial automatically selects the appropriate backend. It provides backends for Python running on Windows, OSX, Linux, BSD (possibly any POSIX compliant system) and IronPython.

You can easily make an experiment to run online in a browser. Welcome to pySerial’s documentation ¶ This module encapsulates the access for the serial port. Spent some time looking at getting Psychopy running with Anaconda python 2.7 64 bit for Windows.

Your experiment will be less likely to have bugs (experiments coded from scratch can very easily contain errors - even when made by the best of programmers!). Why would we (a team of programmers) recommend using a GUI?: Making your experiments using the PsychoPy ® builder is the approach that we generally recommend.